Donnerstag, 6. Dezember 2012

a rant...

This year ive seen more movies than ever before.
I tried to see every animated film (made by the bigger studios) that came out...
And of course i also love to discuss the quality of each and every movie.
I love to comment and analyze and hear peoples opinions.

And especially ive made an observation recently, that really brings me to the edge... i dont know why... my girlfriend says im stupid for getting annoyed because of something like this, but i think i just appreciate and love our beautiful art form so much, that it really upsets me when people argument unreasonably.

Maybe its also just about the words people use when they state their opinion about a movie...

Unless a movie was really bad... i mean: Bad animation, Bad visuals, crappy effects and the worst story ever... i would never say things like: "It sucked!", "It sucked soooo much, from beginning to end!", "nothing good about it!" "the best thing was my friends name in the credits" and so on...
Remarks like this really really REALLY get me going and i always find myself loosing a lot of respect for people who let themselves go like this... especially when they work in the same industry and should at least bring up some respect for the people who worked on it.

I just dont understand how someone could talk like this... Brave wasnt perfect... Madagascar 3 was clearly made for kids... People from Blue Sky even stated that they didnt make an effort to tell a story in new compelling ways...
Why people would dislike Rise of the Guardians except for the maaaaybe a liiiiitle to kiddie like story is a mistery to me... and i even heard someone completely dismissing Wreck it Ralph... i mean... WTF people?

I think it just comes down to the old rivalry amongst fanboys (and girls), mostly students or people fresh out of school... who see the films of their favourite studio with other eyes than any other movie... or even dismiss a movie just because it was made by a certain studio... And people like this... i just cant stand...
No one likes it when people talk bad about a movie youve worked on... we all pour our hearts and souls into each and every shot we work on... so a little respect should be given... dont you think?

And IF you go and talk bad about a movie... have a friggin reason why you didnt like it... "oh im just no gamer" or "it was just boring" doesnt cut it for me... especially for a movie that has such a beautiful and well crafted story like Wreck it Ralph...
Or when someone compares the Croods with Brave, bringing up stupid narrowminded comparisons without even having seen the movie... that really gets me going...

There is something beautiful in every new movie that comes out and i dont think that this is a matter of taste. I like or "dislike" certain movies myself... but in the recent years i have never seen a movie coming from the bigger studios, where there wasnt at least one small cute, nice, beautiful, astonishing thing in it...

There are AMAZING artists working at EVERY studio... People working in the industry should know that... and students definitely shouldnt bash movies, made by companies, they would give a kidney to work for.

Im done now...
just one last thing guys...
We are working in the ultimate art form... can you think of any other medium that combines so many disciplines together? Dont we have the f**** most awesome job in the world? Isnt creating those films together, by pushing each other and finding the coolest solutions for every problem, the best thing about it? And dont you LOVE it when you see how people get moved by it... how Kids admire the characters we created?
Isnt that the most important thing?

So... does it really matter that much, where we create our art?

1 Kommentar:

g1toons hat gesagt…

haha yes i feel your pain, but some people are just built that way, its ok not to like a movie, but not everyone has the vocabulary, or knowledge, to actually say what they mean, or its a simple as, fan boys/girls, seeing the movie with the eyes that want to see it