Mittwoch, 22. Oktober 2008

what i've done before AM

Hi everyone

long time since my last post ;-)

As promised here a few examples of older work...
the "wing" of an apache helicopter and the engine-section of a space ship...
hope to find some spare time to finish them...


Dienstag, 21. Oktober 2008

Its so exciting! I just had my first Question and Answer Session with my Classmates in the Maya Springboard Class...

:-) i'm very happy! Finally my dreams start to become reality!

hope to post some of my previous work tomorrow...

cya guys

the first one

Hey there... now this is the moment.... henceforward i have my own blog... :-)
i'll try to show you some of the work i'm doing during my journey with all the fabulous people on

i hope some people will like it :-)
