Montag, 18. Oktober 2010

Summer Program

Im thinking about doing a summer course in 2011...

This one sounds awesome:

but this one too (and i could stay after the course to attend Siggraph):

wich one would YOU choose?

2 Kommentare:

Katie Danger hat gesagt…

I looked at the summer course at Goeblins last year... and talked to the one person from AM that's been there... Toby Cochran. He said that they're really looking for strong illustrators into the program, and that it's uber competitive. So good luck there! I'd love to do an intensive summer program, too.

I'm keeping my eye on The Animation Workshop to see what they come up with.

Lukas Niklaus hat gesagt…

tnx katie... haha ok then... i guess they wouldnt have taken me for gobelins cause my drawing skills are pretty bad :-)

but doesnt matter anyway now :-)